Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Lingam is soulseed in which lies the essence of the entire cosmos.

 Lingas are usually found  in stone that may either be carved or naturally existing - svayambhu, such as shaped by a swift-flowing river. ( narmadeshwar banaling or narmadeshwarshivling )

Shiva Lingas may also be made of metal, crystal, wood, earth sand, river water sand,  transitory materials such as ice.

Shivling may be made of 12 different materials such as sand, rice, cooked food, river clay, cow dung, butter, rudraksha seeds, ashes, sandalwood, darbha grass, a flower garland or molasses.

Rathna ling is crystal ling. If linga is made out of 108 different kind of gems stone crystals and worshipped in one place there the Presence of Kubera will be on a permanent level, till now it is not yet possible by anonne ( now its 2015 ).

Narmadeshwarshivlinga is very energetic and peaceful, if a shivlinga can be carried with always along with, narmadeshwar shivling banalinga is the one. some put it in locket, others in pocket, no worry the lord will be happily travelling. Children also can have one of this lingam in their bag so it will be protecting, shiva will be protecting.
For the question, " can I carry a shivlinga always with me?
the Answer is :- Yes, for narmadeshwarshivling, get the one naturally formed in the river and not the one which is artificially made
Can I gift shivling or Can I accept ling as a Gift
the Answer is:- Very much it can be, when a person gives the linga, he becomes a tool for spreading the energy and the one who is accepting becomes a receiver of the energy, the sukshuma inside this the energy flow of the giver gets doubled by the act and the receiver gets an additional energy. Read this twice to understand clearly.
There are Vedic people who do gifting of 108 shivlinga and 1008 shivlingas. They know the secret of makng their energy grow in simple ways.

Bam Bam Bam.....

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