Wednesday 13 March 2013

Cosmic Dance of Shiva

Cosmic Dance of Shiva

Shiva is an aspect of God that breaks down all that is false. Shiva does his dance as the destroyer to expose our demons and to allow us to transform and rebuild. 
Shiva is now dancing within my being, and transforming me, each cell and each thought. Right now it is a process of bringing to light all that is not of the light that must be let go and released, which means every fear that is secreted within my flesh through my own actions and thoughts within this lifetime and as a result of genetics and blood karma.

Shiva dances through me and awakens the mistress within to respond to his advances. As masculine and feminine come into balance, so I come into mastery. 

I must learn to accept all aspects of duality in neutrality before I can come before Sanat Kumara and enter Shamballa, and so I will endeavor to do this, for all life, so that heaven can come to earth and dwell in everyone`s hearts.

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